Product Description
Instantly effective in quickly removing gasonyl ammonia and other harmful gases.
Yucca and beneficial bacteria (probiotics) 8x101 CFU/g
• Gasonil®'s yucca instantly neutralizes ammonia
• Probiotics in Gasoli® remove organic matter from the bottom of the water tank and prevent subsequent gas formation.
• Gasonil®'s probiotics quickly propagate and make ponds and water more favorable for fish, shrimp and crab farming in a short period of time.
• Use of Gasonil® increases the natural immunity of fish, shrimp and crab.
Scope and Regulations
For water bodies 3 feet deep
Species - Prevention (g/100 per cent) - Treatment (g/100 per cent)
Fish - 150 - 200
Lobster - 150 - 200
Bagda Prawns - 250 - 400
Crab - 250 - 400
Supply: 100 g and 25 g.