Product Description
Each kg contains, Bacillus subtilis 20×109 CFU, Bacillus megaterium 10×109 CFU, Lactobacillus planterum 5×109 CFU, Lactobacilus acidophilus 1.5×109 CFU, Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1.75×109 CFU, Aspergillus oryzae 1.5×109 CFU, Xylanase 739 IU, Acid Protease 11.95 IU, Amylase 3.042 IU, Cellulase 5 IU, Lipase 870 IU, Betaglucanase 1957 IU, Yucca extract 50g, SiO2 250g, Al2O3 40g, CaO 10g, Na2O 0.25g, MgO 5g, Fe2O3 5g, K2O 5g & Maltodextrin.
Prevents the colonization of harmful bacteria & increases the growth of beneficial bacteria in
pond, thus reduces the incidence of diseases of fish & shrimp
Improves soil condition by providing soil nutrients
Reduces ammonia level
Degrades the bottom settle sediments
Improves water quality & plankton level
Reduces stress of aquatic animals
Helps for moulting performance of shrimp
Improves growth & weight gain
Dosage & Administration
During pond/gher preparation: 60-100g/decimal
During culture period: 30-50g/decimal
In tank/Biofloc tank: 100g/10000 L water
Or, as directed by the Fisheries Expert.
Withdrawal period
Zero (0) day.
Store in a cool & dry place, protected from light.
Keep Ecopond out of reach of child.
1 kg.