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Tetravet 200 WSP 1 kg
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Product Description

Tetravet injection: Each ml contains Oxytetracycline (as Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride USP) 50 mg.
Tetravet-100 injection: Each ml contains Oxytetracycline (as Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride USP) 100 mg.
Tetravet-LA injection: Each ml contains Oxytetracycline (as Oxytetracycline Dihydrate USP) 200 mg.
Tetravet bolus: Each bolus contains Oxytetracycline (as Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride BP) 500 mg.
Tetravet-200 WSP: Each gram contains Oxytetracycline (as Hydrochloride) BP 200 mg.
Tetravet WSP: Each gram contains Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride BP 500 mg.
Oxytetracycline is a broad spectrum antibiotic that can easily pass through the cell membrane or passively diffuse into bacteria. It
inhibits bacterial growth by binding with 30S ribosomal subunit.
Tetravet is indicated for the treatment of anaplasmosis, pneumonia, leptospirosis, foot rot, diphtheria, mastitis, black quarter, bacterial
enteritis, wooden tongue, navel ill, heartwater, dermatophilosis, wound, pink eye, mycoplasmosis, enzootic abortion (Bedsoniasis),
shipping fever, pneumonia, post-operative infections, post-parturient infections, fowl cholera, fowl typhoid, CRD & CCRD.
Dosage and administration Route of administration: IM/IV/SC/IP/Oral
For IM/ SC injection only
Tetravet injection: 2 ml/10 kg body weight by IM/SC injection once daily for 3-5 days.
For IM/IV/SC/IP injection only
Tetravet-100 injection: 1 ml/10-20 kg body weight by IM/IV/SC/IP injection once daily for 3-5 days. Usually 3-5 days treatment is
sufficient but duration of the treatment may be extended in case of acute disease.
For IM/SC injection only
Tetravet-LA injection: Livestock- 1 ml/10 kg body weight by IM injection single dose only. Poultry & Rabbit- 0.25 ml/kg body weight
by SC injection single dose only at one site. Severe infections may require re-treatment at 3-5 days following initial dosage.
For oral administration only
Tetravet bolus: Cattle/Buffalo- 1-2 bolus/25-50 kg body weight. Goat/sheep- ½-1 bolus/10-20 kg body weight. Horse: 1 bolus/75
kg body weight. For reproductive diseases- Cattle/Buffalo/Horse- 1-2 bolus & Goat/Ewe/Dog/Cat- ½ bolus introduced into the
vagina. Poultry- 1-2 bolus/10 kg feed or 2 boli/3.75 liter water by mixing. Fish- 75 mg/kg body weight for 5-10 days. Shrimp- 450
mg/kg body weight once daily.
For oral administration only
Tetravet-200 WSP: Livestock: 1 g/10-20 kg body weight for 3-7 days; Poultry- 1 g/L drinking water for 3-7 days; Fish- for prevention:
3-4 g/kg feed & for treatment: 4-6 g/kg feed; Shrimp- for prevention: 4-6 g/kg feed & for treatment: 8-10 g/kg feed for 5-7 days.
Tetravet WSP: Livestock: 1 g/25-50 kg body weight for 3-7 days; Poultry- 1 g/2.5 L drinking water for 3-7 days; Fish- for prevention:
1-2 g/kg feed & for treatment: 1.5-2.5 g/kg feed; Shrimp- for prevention: 1.5-2.5 g/kg feed & for treatment: 3-4 g/kg feed for 5-7 days.
Or as directed by the Registered Veterinarian.
Withdrawal period
Tetravet injection & Tetravet-100 injection: Meat- 8 days & Milk- 2 days. Tetravet-LA injection: Meat- 14 days & Milk- 7 days.
Tetravet Bolus: Meat- 7 days & Milk- 2 days. Tetravet-200 WSP & Tetravet WSP: Livestock: Meat- 7 days & Milk- 0 (zero) day;
Poultry: Meat- 7 days & egg- 1 day; Fish & Shrimp- Not known.
Contraindicated to the animal/poultry hypersensitive to oxytetracycline.
Side effects
Common side effect: Allergic reaction may be seen.
Rare side effect: Stomach ache, diarrhea, weakness and anorexia may be seen.
Warning and Precaution
Avoid skin contact & wash hands after use. It should not be used with calcium salt solutions.
Use in pregnancy & lactation
Congenital defects and maternal hepatotoxicity may be seen.
Drug interactions
With medicine: Efficacy of penicillin, iron dextran can be decreased when used with Oxytetracycline. The serum concentration of
Oxytetracycline can be decreased when used with Bismuth subsalicylate, Calcium gluconate/lactate, aluminium, magnesium & zinc
salts. Allow 2-3 hours between doses of oxytetracycline and antacids. With feed & others: Not known.
Oxytetracycline has a wide safety margin and overdosing is unlikely to produce toxic symptoms.
Store below 30° C temperature & dry place, protected from light. Keep all medicine out of reach of children.
Tetravet injection: 10x10 ml in vial; Tetravet-100 injection: 10 ml & 100 ml in vial; Tetravet-LA injection: 10 ml in vial; Tetravet
bolus: 5x4’s in blister strip; Tetravet-200 WSP: 100 g & 1 kg sachet and Tetravet WSP: 100 g sachet. 

Product Specifications
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