Product Description
"composition": "For 2.5g each vial contains :Procaine Benzylpenicillin BP 15 lac IUBenzylpenicillin Sodium BP 5 lac IUStreptomycin 2500 mg(as Streptomycin Sulphate USP)",
"indication": "Streptopen® injection is indicated in bacterialdiseases caused by organisms susceptible topenicillin and Streptomycin. These include : Haemorrhagic Septicemia PneumoniaBronchitis Calf ScourJoint illCalf diphtheria Mastitis MetritisShipping feverCastrationMalignant edema Foot rot",
"dosage": "Add 8.4 ml water for injection to Streptopen® 2.5gvial & administer as follows:Injection should be repeated at 24 hours intervalcontinues for 3-5 days.",
"precaution": "Contraindication:Streptopen® injection is contra-indicated inanimals hypersensitive to Penicillin &Streptomycin.Precaution:To minimize local irritation at the site of injection,the area should be rubbed gently. Ananti-histaminic injection may be administered toavoid hypersensitive reaction.Withdrawal Period:Cattle :Meat : 7 daysMilk : 5 days Tolerance:The drug is well tolerated in recommended dose",
"use_in_pregnancy": "N/A",
"side_effects": "Swelling & redness at the site of injection mayoccure. Streptomycin crosses the placenta andmay cause vestibular, cochlear & renal toxicity.",
"storage": "Keep out of reach of children. Protected from light, store in acool & dry place.",
"pack_size": "2.5g with one ampoule of water for Injection in acarton.",