Product Description
Renavit DB:
Vitamin A
Protects cells, keeps hormones functioning properly during pregnancy.
Vitamin D
Growth ensures the production of flesh, sorrow.
Iodine promotes cattle growth and prevents goitre.
Increases the number of microflora in the rumen and helps in vitamin B12 synthesis.
Vitamin E & Selenium
Acts as an antioxidant in cells, maintains fertility and helps prevent abortion in pregnant cows.
Combination of Copper, Iron and Vitamin B12 forms Hemoglobin which ensures milk and meat production.
Bone and Connective tissue and helps in prevention of Lameness, Swolen and Stiff Joint.
Zinc is a component of metalloenzymes that protect skin, hair smoothness and boost immunity.
Calcium & Phosphorous
Calcium, Phosphorus keeps Vitamin D utilization right, helps to build Bone and muscle. Prevents milk fever, hypocalcaemia, and ensures meat, milk production through growth.
Field of application:
- Increase in body weight by increasing meat production
- To increase immunity
- To balance the osmotic pressure of body fluid
- In increasing milk production
- To accelerate fertility
- To correctly solve various physiological activities
Dimensions and rules of application:
Cow and Buffalo: 10-20 grams per adult animal per day.
Sheep and Goat: 5-10 grams per adult animal daily.
Calves: 1-2.5 grams per animal per day.