Product Description
Contains 2 grams of salicylic acid per ml; Chloroxylenol 2 grams; Cusette sodium: 3 grams; Sodium edtate 1 gram; Tromethamine: 6 grams; Propylene glycol 250 grams; Oat extract 0.5 g; Appropriate amounts of simethicone; As much perfume as needed; Malic acid in appropriate amounts; Ethanol: Appropriate amount of pure water in appropriate amount
← OTI - PURE SOLUTION Hypo Allergenic Ear Cleaner
← Very effective in removing and purifying sebum in an excellent manner
← Increases antibiotic sensitivity due to Tris-EDTA activity
← Reduces skin irritation due to the extract of oat
← Maintains normal skin growth due to slightly acidic pH (6.8).
← Foaming is reduced so it is convenient to use
Terms of Use:
Gently massage a few drops of OTI-PURE SOLUTION inside the ear and wipe off