Product Description
Ingredients: Lichodamnium Calcareum 100% (Calcium: 30%, Magnesium. 5.5%, Phosphorus 0.03%, Sodium: 0.5%, Potassium. 0.03%, Sulfur. 0.7% and 74 other bioavailable Minerals).
Benefits: Maintains appropriate rumen pH, prevents acute and sub-acute ruminal acidosis, improves rumen digestion, compensates for deficiencies of other minerals including calcium and magnesium, increases body weight and milk production and fat.
Dimensions and rules of application:
Dairy cows: 25-30 grams per animal should be fed twice a day.
Fattening: 15-20 grams should be fed to each animal twice a day
Goats and Sheep: Feed 5 grams per animal twice a day by mixing the above measure of powder daily with food.
or as advised by a registered veterinarian