Product Description
Turbo ferti, contains certain active constituents that have the capability to fix the selective combination of desired chromatin containing spermatozoa with the ovum. This is achieved by blocking the receptor sites for the undesired spermatozoa on the surface of body of the ovum. The technology involves the production of certain Y sperm binding ligand mimics (YSBLM) in the plasma of the female animal just before conception. The chemical composition of Turbo ferti includes certain chemicals which are known as sex fixers in scientific history, which yield predominantly female zygotes. The differential binding of sperms bearing X and Y chromosome with different binding moieties is a well-known phenomenon in the scientific history. These differential binding ligands on X andy sperms may be in conformation to the selective receptor binding sites on the body of the ovum This YSBLM acts as a precursor of selective sperm binding ligand mimic moieties. In addition, it forms a buffer system as well and thereby acts as a selective sex ratio manipulator towards the predominantly female zygote.